Beautiful Websites for the bold af business owner who is here to make the rules not follow them.

Are you sick of seeing the same old website designs? You know the ones...

If you're like me you're thinking errr yes? You want a website that has a personality and embodies your brand. Consider this you sign to shake it up and get a website that will stand out and show the world who you and your business are.


  • Nothing is in one place

  • You don't feel professional

  • Your current website doesn't feel like you

  • Your branding doesn't feel consistent

How would it feel to have enquiries fly into your inbox from your ideal client READY to work with you?

If getting your business online is one of your goals this year, then book a call with me and let’s see what package is going to work best for you and your business right now! 

Once you’re online, adding offers and services is really easy! Getting started really is the only hard part. 

So, let’s have an honest chat, with the drink of your choice and see where you’re at today and where you want to be in a few months time.

I fill my calendar up very carefully, so that I can give you and your business the attention that it deserves. 


i have actually, been there!

When your business grows and scales so should your online presence.

It’s time to step over the barriers of Social Media, and make it easy for your ideal clients to find you!

Having a website with everything in one place not only makes you look more professional, but it will get you on the search engine radar.

This gives you that longevity and credibility you are craving.

WHO DOESN'T WANT THE UBIQUITOUS online one-stop shop?

Imagine making your launches so  easy because everything is in the same place. You can direct your community to all the information that they need to make the step to work with you.


TO THIS ......

Getting low website traffic due to messy content and an overall bad user experience.

Using multiple platforms to offer and fulfil services that take up a lot of time and energy.

Feeling overwhelmed and generally unorganised

Not charging what you should because you don’t have the confidence in your online presence

Letting your ideal client know that you are an authority in your field

A beautiful brand led website built with your clients in mind.

Working fewer hours because your website is working for you and has everything in one place.

Growing your user engagement because of a better overall experience.

yes! i need this!


The Website Design Packages

1. the espresso


You’ve picked a template and you love it!! But, you need to get online in a week and you just don’t have time to learn how to use Showit.

Let me take that stress off your hands and get you visible ASAP!

this includes:

  • The Fully Customised template with your branding, copy and media.
  • Newsletter and Social Media Integration.
  • SEO Integration.
  • 1 month FREE of Showit.
  • Full training on how to update your website yourself (no gatekeeping here!).

2. the cappuccino

THE total package

You've passed the DIY stage and now you're ready to get the website of your dreams. You want something that defines your brand exactly but also includes all the features and functionality your business needs.
It's time for your website to match your business strategy exactly. Your business has evolved and your website desperately needs to reflect all your hard work. 

this includes:

  • A full ShowIt or WordPress Website built according to your business needs.
  • A blog, a shop, calendar links and social media integration.
  • Your newsletter sign up form.
  • Branding help if you need it. 
  • SEO Integration
  • 1 month FREE of ShowIt, upon launch.
  • Full training on how to update your website yourself
 (no gatekeeping here!).


I'll take mine with oat milk


So how does it work?






get started

This might be the step that takes the least amount of time BUT it is the most important. This is the time we get to have a good old chat and see where you are now and where you want a website to take your business. 

Once we've agreed on the package and reviewed the paperwork this is where you get to collate all your media, copy and details you want on your website. I'll also ask you to create a Pinterest board of websites you love so I can understand your vision and vibe.

Once I have everything I need I'll get started in the agreed timeline. I'll design the homepage first and once you're happy with that we will get going on the rest. I'll check-in regularly with you in case there are any last minute change or revisions.

then it's launch day baby!!
it's as simple as 1,2 & 3! 

It’s time to get online with a bold af website that showcases all you have to offer!

What are you waiting for?


"Working with Heather on my first ever experience building a website was so easy!

I told Heather what feel I was going for, what I wanted it to look like and she listened and produced something amazing that I was super happy with.

She kept me involved at every stage on what I thought and anything extra I should do to help bring my ideas to life.

She also added in extras to help me maintain the website where I could and sent me tutorials and guided videos even though I will get her to continue to help!"

Tina - SoulBeat Yoga & Fitness

"Working with Heather has been brilliant. She is incredibly patient, which has been a godsend as I am a bit of a perfectionist and like things to look how I want them to.  I was quite involved in the design aspect, but all the building and back end work was down to her, as was coming up with the initial design and concept.

 She’s always been willing to help quickly, which I really appreciate.
I absolutely love my website and so do my clients. I’ve had some amazing feedback and compliments!

Heather has been a dream to work with. She’s fun and positive. I highly recommend her to anyone." 

Amy - The Space Creator 

"Working with Heather was so easy.

She took all my ideas on board, played around with different elements that she thought I would like and it was all delivered professionally.
All my queries were dealt with quickly and I got lots of updates during the whole process.

My website redesign, including the sourcing of all my media for the pages, has given my business a huge resource that is so invaluable. I would 100% recommend working with Heather and I look forward to working with her again in the future."

Sam- So Organised with Sam

 "I have been blown away by Heathers warmth, kindness and ability to produce an incredible webpage in a very short time frame for me! 

An absolute joy to work with, nothing has been too much trouble and she has made the whole process simple and easy. I love my new webpage and am truly grateful! Thank you Heather! 

Anna- Anna May Coaching & Retreats

client love

Looking for an existing Website Review?

1 : 1 Full Website Audit

I'll do a full review of your website from the front-end and behind the scenes.

Then we'll have a 1 hour call where I'll go over my finding, suggestions and address any concerns you have.

This is for you for you if you’ve built your own website but you need a second pair of eyes. Maybe you have the design nailed but you can’t quite get it to look right on mobile or you want to add some pizzaz and you don’t know where to start.


Full Website Review covering:
  • Security
  • Design & Styling
  • Functionality
  • UX Design
  • Responsivenss
  • SEO


book NOW


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